Gerrymandering: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Gerrymandering is the practice of splitting voters into certain districts in such a way as to maximize the chances of a certain set of candidates winning. For example, if ther...")
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Now, clearly under these suppositions, the overall political centroid for the entire population is properly 0; and the ''average'' for the elected body as a whole is indeed this. However, because of our gerrymander, The first three seats can form a majority whose weakest members are of value -0.6, which is clearly not representative of the entire populace. <ref></ref></blockquote>Also:<blockquote>Next: it doesn't neuter gerrymandering at all. Take that standard WaPo graphic example, except now you've got 10 Red, 5 Purple, 10 Blue. Drawing 5 districts, make two {4 R, 1 P} and then two {1 R, 1 P, 3 B} and then finally one {1 P, 4B}. Let's ''generously'' suppose that Score will return the average for each district, where each R is a -1, a P is a 0, and a B is a +1. So the first two are -.8, the next two are +0.4, and the last one is a +.8. You can then form a majority using the 2 +0.4's and the +.8.
So yeah, supposing that Score works somehow better than it probably will in reality, you've changed the result in the legislature from a +1 to a +.4. It's a big improvement, but I'd hardly call it "neutering".
PR returns the better result here IMO, since P (the dead-center of the district) determines what passes or not. <ref></ref></blockquote>