Talk:Negative vote

From electowiki

Notes for a future article

  • Taiwan, Tien Shang Chang‎, calls it "Negative Vote"
  • USA, calls it "Balanced Plurality Voting (BPV)" but also applies "negative vote" option to every other voting method, like "Balanced Approval Voting"
    • "Last week, a group of prominent figures, including Shih Ming-teh 施明德, Sean Chen 陳沖, and Su Chi 蘇起"
    • "Negative voting (if this is what you meant): Name one candidate and give him either +1 or -1. Candidate with greatest sum wins. The negative voting system was proposed by a political scientist named Boehm in a paper which I think was never officially published: George A.W. Boehm: One Fervent Vote against Wintergreen, manuscript 1976. Boehm’s system then was pretty much abandoned by voting system reformers because the consensus became that approval voting or score voting were better."
    • Brams said in Zoom meeting that he was one of these who changed from Negative to Approval.
  • Steven Brams, Peter C. Fishburn-Approval Voting, Second edition (2007)
    • "Brams had earlier been attracted by the concept of "negative voting," proposed in a brief essay by George A. W. Boehm, "One Fervent Vote against Wintergreen" (mimeographed, 1976), passed on to him by the late Oskar Morgenstern. He first analyzed this kind of voting, as well as approval voting, in "One Man, n Votes," Module in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Association of America (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 1976) and S. J. Brams, "When Is It Advantageous to Cast a Negative Vote?" in Mathematical Economics and Game Theory: Essays in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern, edited by R. Henn and O. Moeschlin, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Vol. 141 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1977), pp. 564-572. Later Brams made more detailed comparisons of negative and approval voting in S. J. Brams, Comparison Voting, Innovational Instructional Unit (Washington, DC: American Political Science Association, 1978), which will appear in slightly revised form in Modules in Applied Mathematics: Political and Related Models, Vol. 2, edited by Steven J. Brams, William F. Lucas, and Philip D. Straffin, Jr. (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1982); and S. J. Brams, The Presidential Election Game (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978), Ch. 6, which also reports on results developed in Brams and Fishburn, "Approval Voting.""
    • "The concept of Negative Vote is sometimes referred to as: Disapproval Voting, CAV(Combined approval voting), Bipolar Voting, or Formal Recognition of the Negative Preferences"
    • Boehm, G.A.W. (1976): One fervent vote against Wintergreen. Mimeograph. (I could not find a copy)
    • Brams, S.J. (1977): When is it advantageous to cast a negative vote? In: Mathematical Economics and Game Theory: Essays in Honor of Oscar Morgenstern (R. Henn, O. Moeschlin, eds.). Springer, Berlin, pp. 564–572.
    • Daniel Ferguson & Theodore Lowi (2001): Reforming American Electoral Politics: Let’s Take“No” for an Answer, 34 PS: Pol. Sci. & Pol. 277, 277
    • Jess Brewer
    • Michael Kang(2010): Voting as veto, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 108, No. 7