Biproportionality: Difference between revisions

Explain the logic of biproportional representation methods.
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(Explain the logic of biproportional representation methods.)
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{{Wikipedia | Biproportional apportionment}}
A proportional representation method is biproportional if it's close to proportional in more than one way. For instance, a biproportional [[party list]] method might give each party close to its national support in parliament, while retaining approximate within each district as well.
A term used to describe obtaining a high amount of both [[Proportional representation]] and [[Proportionate representation]].
These methods work by accepting some error in both types of proportionality in exchange for reasonably good results along both. A biproportional party list method of the above type might give parties with fewer votes more representatives in a few districts to ensure reasonable national proportionality, similar to the top-up seats in MMP and Scandinavian party list PR [[w:leveling seats]].
The most commonly known biproportional apportionment method is Pukelsheim's method, which is used in Switzerland. Fair majority voting, a biproportional method with single-member constituencies, has been proposed by [[Michel Balinski]] as a solution to [[gerrymandering]] problems in the [[United States]].
[[Category:Types of representation]]
