Definite Majority Choice: Difference between revisions

→‎The Ballot: Simpler graded ballot format
(→‎The Ballot: Simpler graded ballot format)
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=== The Ballot ===
Voters rank their preferred candidates, from favorite to least preferred, and may optionally specify an Approval cutoff.
One implementation of Definite Majority Choice might use a [[Graded Ballot]] with a Lowest Passing Grade option. Voters can grade their choices from favorite (A) to least preferred (ungraded), and give some or all of their graded choices a "passing grade" to signify approval.
OneA [[Graded Ballot]] ballot implementation ofwould Definiteinfer Majoritythe Choiceranking mightfrom usethe a'grades' [[Gradedgiven Ballot]]to candidates, and the Approval Cutoff would be determined with a Lowest Passing Grade option. Voters can grade their choices from favorite (A+) to least preferred (ungraded), and give some or all of their graded choices a "passing grade" to signify approval.
A B C D EF F + / G-
X1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
X2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
X3 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
X3 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Lowest ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
("C-" Default)
A voter may give the same grade to more than one candidate. Ungraded candidates are graded below all graded candidates.
X1 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Any candidate at the Lowest Passing Grade or higher is given one Approval vote. Unless changed, the Lowest Passing Grade is C-minus by default.
X2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Candidates graded below the Lowest Passing Grade and Ungraded candidates receive no Approval votes.
X3 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
X3 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Lowest ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Grades assigned to non-passing (disapproved) candidates help determine which of them will win in the event that none of the voter's approved candidates wins.
A voter can give the same grade to more than one candidate. If not given a higher grade, he LPG candidate has a grade of G by default, giving each graded candidate a "passing grade", or one Approval point.
Adding a plus or minus to a candidate's grade is optional, but allows up to 15 rankings.
Ungraded candidates are graded below all others and get no Approval points.
==== Discussion ====
A voter may optionally specify a Lowest Passing Grade (LPG), which means that any graded candidates with lower grades will receive no approval points.
What is a voter saying by giving a candidate a grade below the Approval Cutoff?
If this wereIn a vote for president, one could compare the LPG 'candidate' to Gerald Ford. One might argue whether he was a good or bad president, but anybodyAnybody better would be a good president, and anybody worse would be bad.
The main reason for a voter to grade candidates below the "Gerald Ford" mark would be if the voter is not optimistic about the chances for higher-ranked favorite and compromise candidates. Grading candidate X below the LPG mark gives the voter a chance to say "I don't like X and don't want him to win, but of all the alternatives, he would make the fewest changes in the wrong direction. I won't give him a passing grade because I want him to have as small a mandate as possible." This allows membersthe of thelosing minority to have some say in the outcome of the election, instead of leaving the choice to the strongest core support within the majority faction.
=== Tallying Votes ===
Anonymous user