Electoral system: Difference between revisions

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*[[Andrew Inglis Clark]] (promoted the use of STV in Tasmania)
*[[Jean-CharlesNikolaus devon BordaKusa (Nicolaus Cusanus)]] (devised the now so-called [[Borda count]])
*[[MarquisJean-Charles de CondorcetBorda]] (proposedre-devised the [[CondorcetBorda Criterion|Condorcet criterioncount]])
*[[Ramon Llull (Raymond Lully)]] (proposed the now so-called [[Condorcet Criterion|Condorcet criterion]])
*[[Marquis de Condorcet]] (re-proposed the [[Condorcet Criterion|Condorcet criterion]])
*[[Maurice Duverger]] (observed effects of proportional vs. majoritarian systems)
*[[Thomas Hare]] (devised STV a.k.a. the Hare Method)
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