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this is an important difference; namely, we see from the RP and Approval payoff matrix that regardless of which choice B makes, A is better off or at least not worse off for having chosen Honesty, whereas in standard chicken this is not true (what's best for A depends heavily on what B does).)<ref>https://www.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/comments/ewgjss/shouldnt_the_nash_equilibriums_of_approval_voting/fg2fd63/</ref></blockquote>
==External Linkslinks==
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium Wikipedia: Nash equilibrium]
*[http://www.spaceandgames.com/?p=46 Peter de Blanc: A Stronger Type of Equilibrium]
*[http://www.spaceandgames.com/?p=134 Peter de Blanc: When is an honest vote a cabal equilibrium?]
== References ==
[[Category:Voting theory]]