George Washington

Revision as of 17:12, 26 September 2021 by Frankie1969 (talk | contribs) (election info)

George Washington was the first person to win the Electoral College and become president of the United States.

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In the 1788-1789 election, voters (adult white male landowners) chose electors, who then cast votes for up to two candidates. Washington received a unanimous vote from every elector. The electors' 2nd votes were heavily split but John Adams won a plurality (34/69) and became Vice President.

Washington easily won re-election in 1792, and undoubtedly could have won a third term, but he famously chose to step down despite his popularity, a precedent-setting decision that was later enacted as the 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution.

Political Parties

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Washington opposed party politics. His wrote all about it in his farewell address.