Justified representation: Difference between revisions

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'''Justified representation''' is a term advocated by people applying [[approval voting]] to [[proportional representation]].
Justified representation is an an extension to the [[Quota | Hare]] [[Quota rule]] for multi-member approval voting systems. There are at least three variants: "justified representation", "extended justified representation" and "proportional justified representation" (though it seems more can be found ontheon the English Wikipedia article: [[w:Justified representation]]). These alternative definitions can be thought of as an alternative to the definition of "[[proportional representation]]" for dealing with a representative systems and not a "[[partisan system]]".
'''Justified representation''' establishes requirements on when a large enough group of voters is justified to have at least one of the candidates they approve elected. Similarly, '''Extended Justified representation''' establishes requirements on when a large enough group of agents justified to have to have several of the candidates approved by them elected. '''Proportional Justified representation''' is a fix to the earlier definition of '''Extended Justified representation''' to be consistent with [[Perfect representation]] in the limiting case. The formal definitions can be found in the image. and will be reviewed later in this paper. These definitions are interesting are interesting, because voting rules that satisfy them guarantee that a large enough group of agents (even if it is a minority of the total agents) will receive at least one (for JR) or at least x (for EJR and PJR) representatives that they approve regardless of any strategic vote followed by the reminder voters.
[[File:Justified Representation.png|thumb]]
