Majority Defeat Disqualification Approval

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Majority Defeat Disqualification Approval or MDDA is a method devised by Kevin Venzke for the purpose of showing that the Favorite Betrayal criterion, Strategy-Free criterion, and Strong Defensive Strategy criterion are mutually compatible. The name was given by Mike Ossipoff.

Another method with these properties is Majority Approval, Minimum Pairwise Opposition.


The voter submits a ranking of the candidates. The candidates explicitly ranked are considered approved by that voter.

A candidate is dominated if more than half of the voters rank some other candidate strictly above him.

All dominated candidates are eliminated, unless this would eliminate all the candidates.

Of remaining candidates, the one approved by the most voters is elected.


MDDA satisfies the Favorite Betrayal criterion, Strategy-Free criterion, the Strong Defensive Strategy criterion (and Minimal Defense criterion), monotonicity, and (check this) the Plurality criterion.

It fails Clone-Winner, the Generalized Strategy-Free criterion, the Condorcet criterion, the Smith criterion, Participation, the Majority criterion for solid coalitions, and Later-no-harm.


Work in progress.