Relevant rating: Difference between revisions

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## '''Threshold check:''' If '''TA(X,R) > TCA(X,C,R)''', that is If X's round total exceed's the maximum approval for any candidate C on ballots that rate X below rating R, then X's primary relevant rating is R. Otherwise, decrement R by one and go back to step 3.2 above.
## If there was a previous round (in other words, R for the current round is less than MAXRATING), and X's previous round total [that is, TA(X,R+1)] also exceed's C's approval ''for the current round'' (that is, '''TA(X,R+1) > TCA(X,C,R)'''], then X's secondary relevant rating is the 2-tuple '''(R+1,TA(X,R+1))'''.
## Otherwise, if R is greater than zero, X's secondary relevant rating is the 2-tuple '''(R,TA(X,R))'''. If we have exhausted all approved rating levels and R is now zero, X's secondary relevant rating is the tuple '''(0,TA(X,1))''', because it makes no sense to count ballots on which X is disapproved.
# Each candidate will now have a primary and secondary relevant rating.
# Sort the candidates in descending order by their primary and secondary relevant ratings -- if the primary relevant ratings are equal, break the tie using the secondary rating. Note that in comparing the tuple (R+1,*) to (R,*), the tuple beginning with R+1 is greater.
