Relevant rating: Difference between revisions

Handle the fallback case
(Created page with "'''Relevant Rating''' is an Irrelevant Ballot Independent adaptation of Majority Judgment, following the methodology of Chris Benham's IBIFA. It was proposed by Ted S...")
(Handle the fallback case)
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## '''Threshold check:''' If '''TA(X,R) > TCA(X,C,R)''', that is If X's round total exceed's the maximum approval for any candidate C on ballots that rate X below rating R, then X's primary relevant rating is R. Otherwise, decrement R by one and go back to step 3.2 above.
## If there was a previous round (in other words, R for the current round is less than MAXRATING), and X's previous round total [that is, TA(X,R+1)] also exceed's C's approval ''for the current round'' (that is, '''TA(X,R+1) > TCA(X,C,R)'''], then X's secondary relevant rating is the 2-tuple '''(R+1,TA(X,R+1))'''.
## Otherwise, if R is greater than zero, X's secondary relevant rating is the 2-tuple '''(R,TA(X,R))'''. If we have exhausted all approved rating levels and R is now zero, X's relevant rating is the tuple '''(0,TA(X,1))''', because it makes no sense to count ballots on which X is disapproved.
# Each candidate will now have a primary and secondary relevant rating.
# Sort the candidates in descending order by their primary and secondary relevant ratings -- if the primary relevant ratings are equal, break the tie using the secondary rating. Note that in comparing the tuple (R+1,*) to (R,*), the tuple beginning with R+1 is greater.
