Single transferable vote: Difference between revisions

(Add link to New York 1937-1947, remove some dead links and do general cleanup)
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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=== Setting the quota===
When all the votes have been cast, a winning quota is set. In The most common formula fortheory the quota iscan thebe [[Droopany quota]]number whichin is most often giventhe asrange:
<!-- <math>\left(frac{\text{votes}}{\rmtext{seats} votes+1} \overleq \text{quota} \rmleq seats\frac{\text{votes}+1}{\right)+text{seats} -1} </math>. -->
floor(votes / (seats + 1)) + 1
OtherIn quotaspractice, usedthe quota is either the [[Droop quota]] includeor the [[Hare quota]]:.
<!-- <math>\rm votes \over \rm seats</math> -->
votes / seats
and the Imperiali quota:
<!-- <math>\rm votes \over \rm {seats+2}</math>. -->
votes / (seats + 2)
For those keeping track, the size of the quota is then generally Hare > Droop > Imperiali.
=== Counting The Votes ===
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=== Ways of dealing with equal rankings ===
* Disallowing them, requiring full rankings
*Giving one vote to one of the top-ranked candidates, and giving no vote to the other top-ranked candidates (likely best done by choosing randomly which top-ranked candidate gets the vote)
* ER-IRV (fractional): Counting a ballot with N top-ranked candidates as 1/N of a vote for each candidate.
* ER-IRV (whole votes) or Approval-IRV: Giving one vote to each equally-top-ranked candidate. Can optionally be combined with a suggestion that ballots that equally rank candidates shouldn't be able to prevent the elimination of those candidates.<ref name="reddit 2011">{{cite web | title=Proportionality failure in STV with equal-ranks with whole votes : EndFPTP | website=reddit | date=2019-12-05 | url= | access-date=2020-02-10}}</ref>