Talk:Allocated Score: Difference between revisions

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(Page is incomprehensible in its current form. Detailed example required.)
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And this? "Set the ballot weight to zero for the quota of voters whose ballots contributed the highest scores to that winner." After several reads, I thought, OK, this means that the votes that already elected people are set to zero so they won't elect anyone else. Fine. But then, how does the Hare quota come into it?
What the page desperately needs is an example. Say, a simple fake election, with 3 to 5 candidates and 1000 voters (or scores adding up to 1000 maybe?), and going step by step through each round, showing the entire process.
Sadly, it doesn't have that. It has Python code, which I for one find totally unhelpful because it involves library functions and I don't know what they do. And anyway, one shouldn't have to read code to understand an electoral system. Not everybody can read code.
