
Joined 12 September 2018
Simplify primary vote proposal: augmented Top Two primary
(Simplify primary vote proposal: augmented Top Two primary)
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I would prefer to avoid primary elections. However, they may continue to be required during a transition period. If that is the case, I would recommend using
* First Choice plus Approval. As above. Pitch the method as an augmented [[Top Two Primary]]: Narrow field to at least 2 candidates, comprising the two candidate with highest First Choice totals (single vote winner), most-approved,plus and secondsingle-highestvote approvedrunner-up), plus any other candidates with equal or higher approval than the Singletop two single-Votevote winnercandidates. This would automatically include at least the top two Approved candidates. The main advantage of this is simplicity, plus it would be a marked improvement of the Top-Two Louisiana-style primary using Single Vote --- voters would be assured that a good selection of alternative candidates would face the Single-vote winner in the general election, instead of dividing the opposition.
* First Choice plus [[Range voting]]. As above. Narrow field to at least 2 candidates, who would include the Single Vote winner, cumulativeand ratings winner, secondrunner-highest cumulative ratingsup, plus any other candidate with a pairwise [[Beatpath|beatpath]] to the cumulative ratings winner, plus any candidate with higher cumulative rating than the Single Vote winner and single-vote runner-up. The improvement here over First Choice plus Approval would be that the entire [[Smith set]] (plus first- and second-place range voting winners) would be included in the slate of candidates going to the general election.
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