Australian electoral system: Difference between revisions

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Australia has a system of parliamentary democracy, largely based on the Westminster system. Since 1920 Australia has used a preferential system of voting (PV) for the House of Representatives, this system is also known as Instant Run-off voting (IRV) and the Single Transferable vote (STV).
The Australian parliament consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives (HoR). The House of Representatives is similar to the British House of Commons and the Senate is similar to the British House of Lords. The government of the day and the Prime Minister come from the House of Representatives.
== The Australian Parliament ==
The House of Representatives is made up of MPs elected from 150 single member electorates all of which have a similar voter population. The Senate is also elected using Preferential Voting, but instead it consists of 76 MPs who are selected from 8 multiple member electorates representing the 6 states and 2 territories. The Senate uses the same preferential system as for the HoR but in conjunction with proportional representation. A senate term is twice that of the HoR so that 6 members are elected each normal election from each of the six states(approximately every three years) and both territory senators from the two territories face re-election.
The Australian parliament consists of two houses:, the Senate (upper house) and the House of Representatives (HoR or lower house). The House of Representatives is similar to the British House of Commons and the Senate is similar to the British House of Lords. The government of the day and the Prime Minister come from the House of Representatives and the Senate represents the interests of the 6 states and two territories. All of Australia's States and territories use PV.
Although Australia has a system where unlike in the U.S. and Britain a vote for a minor party isn't wasted, the two party duopoly reigns supreme and had never been threatened. Minor parties are rarely if ever elected to the lower house (HoR), although strong indendent candidates much more frequently are.
The House of Representatives is made up of MPs elected from 150 single member electorates all of which have a similar voter population. The Senate is also elected using Preferential Voting, but instead it consists of 76 MPs who are selected from 8 multiple member electorates representing the 6 states and 2 territories. The Senate uses the same preferential system as for the HoR but in conjunction with proportional representation. A senate term is twice that of the HoR so that 6 members are elected each normal election from each of the six states(approximately every three years) and both territory senators from the two territories face re-election each parliamentary term.
Some argue that the reason that the major party duopoly is still apparent in Australia is because strategic voting still widely occurs in the PV system. However very high votes for fringe candidates are often recorded without unintended repercussions and there is absolutely no evidence that strategic voting occurs on any scale in Australia. The reasons why the duopoly exists is for other reasons, partly because the minor parties provide a moderately effect on the extremes of the major parties. For instance the Australian Labor Party (ALP) wouldn't be so environmentally friendly if it weren't for the threat of voters deserting for the Australian Greens (Greens) and it's policies on mandatory detention of refugees would probably be stronger as well.
== Preferential voting in Australia ==
On the other side of politics a Liberal party (the main conservative party in Australia)candidate for the seat of Ipswich near Brisbane, Pauline Hanson caused a stir by her widely percieved as racist comments about Aborigines and Asian immigration. As a consquence she was disowned by her party and went on to found Australia's most succesful minor party One Nation. However One Nation failed to do well partly because of constitutional failings in the party, but mostly because the John Winston Howard lead Liberal/National coalition appropriated some of her racist, inhumane and divise policies and succesfully implemented them in time to win the 2001 election.
Although Australia has a system where unlike in the U.S. and Britain a vote for a minor party isn't wasted, the two party duopoly reigns supreme and had never been threatened. Minor parties are rarely if ever elected to the lower house (HoR), although strong indendent candidates much more frequently are. The noteworty parties in Australian politics today are the Australian Labor Party (ALP) which is similar in ideology to both the British Labour Party and the U.S. Democratic party; The Liberal Party are similar to the Tories in Britain and the Republican party in the U.S. and together with the National party, who represent rural and regional interests, they form a coalition to become the second major party. Leftwing minor parties inlcude the Greens and the Democrats and rightwing minor parties inlcude One Nation and Family First. All other minor parties are so insignificant that they won't be covered here, typically recieving less than 1% of the overall first preference vote.
== Theories for the continuation of the major party duopoly ==
Some argue that the reason that the major party duopoly is still apparent in Australia is because strategic voting still widely occurs in the PV system, that is that people frequently have to sacrifice their true preference in order to pick 'the lesser of two evils'. However very high votes for fringe candidates are often recorded without unintended repercussions and there is absolutely no evidence that strategic voting occurs on any scale in Australia. The reasons why the duopoly exists is for other reasons, partly because the minor parties provide a moderately effect on the extremes of the major parties. For instance the Australian Labor Party (ALP) wouldn't be so environmentally friendly if it weren't for the threat of voters deserting for the Australian Greens (Greens) and it's policies on the mandatory detention of refugees would probably be stronger as well.
On the other side of politics a Liberal party (the main conservative party in Australia)candidate for the seat of Ipswich near Brisbane, Pauline Hanson caused a stir by her widely percieved as racist comments about Aborigines and Asian immigration. As a consquence she was disowned by her party and went on to found Australia's most succesful minor party One Nation. However One Nation failed to do well partly because of constitutional failings in the party, but mostly because the John Winston Howard lead Liberal/National coalition appropriated some of her racist, inhumane and divise policies and succesfully implemented them in time to win the 2001 election.
== Reasons for the continuation of the major party duopoly ==
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b) They are not trusted enough to form an effective government, they are popularly thought of as idealistic and not practical.
c) They are often percieved as being 'one issue parties' with narrow agendas, such as 'the environment' and, 'lower fuel and beer excise' and 'nuclear disarmament'. Such Parties in Australia have such imaginative names as 'Citizen's Electoral Council', 'Fishing Party' and 'Family First'.
In conclusion Condorcet voting is far superior to PV or IRV, but PV is often unfairly sidelined foras being 'little better than Plurality', when in fact it is a pretty good and solid half way house to complete democracy.