Chicken dilemma: Difference between revisions

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#Some voting systems, such as approval voting, ignore the problem. Perhaps the assumption here is that it will be impossible to organize a defection without prompting a retaliation, and thus that both sides will prefer to cooperate. ("Mutual assured destruction"?)
#Some voting systems, such as [[MajorityExpanding ChoiceApprovals ApprovalRule|Expanding Approvals]], try to exploit the fact that each faction is not a single coordinated entity, but a group of individual voters. The idea is that if a small number of voters defect, they should be ignored; hopefully, in that situation, majority cooperation will be a stable strategy.
#Other voting systems, such as [[Smith//IRV]], try to exploit the fact that in a real-world election, A and B are never perfectly balanced; one subfaction is always larger. In this case, a voting system can encourage the smaller group to cooperate by threatening to elect C (punishing both groups) if the smaller group defects. The chicken dilemma criterion is usually passed by this kind of voting system.
#[[Reciprocal Score Voting]] addresses the problem by explicitly rewarding reciprocal cooperation and punishing the defecting sides. Whichever subfaction defects receives no support from the other faction, even if it's larger. The only way to maximize the odds of winning is by cooperating as much as possible with similar factions.
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One direct implication of the chicken dilemma criterion is that strategic voting can create a [[spoiler effect]] in systems that do not pass the chicken criterion. This is because if A drops out of the race, then B becomes a majority's 1st choice and wins in any majority criterion-passing method. Further, there is also usually incentive for Favorite Betrayal, since A-top voters generally benefit from putting B 1st. That would be the case in IRV for:<blockquote>26 A>B
25 B