electowiki is a wiki which tries to make electoral systems more understandable for advocates of electoral reform. It has existed since 2005, and still enjoys frequent updates. We aim to help new participants quickly get up to speed on the best systems and the conclusions of many long discussions.

About electowiki

Ever since its foundation in 2005, the community of editors of this wiki have served two roles:

As a result, even though this website looks a lot like Wikipedia, we don't pretend to have a dispassionate "neutral point of view" (or NPOV) that Wikipedia strives for. That said, you might find that the "electowiki point of view" (or EPOV) is very similar.

We encourage you to sign up for an account and edit this website. Though it was once possible to edit electowiki "anonymously" (similarly to English Wikipedia), we removed that ability. When one edits Wikipedia "anonymously", one's IP address is revealed to the general public. Because of that, and because of spam we had been receiving from IP editors, we now require that you sign up for an account prior to editing electowiki, which causes your IP address to only be revealed to the Miraheze site admins and maybe the electowiki site admins. Once you've signed into your account, your IP address is no longer revealed to the general public, and we hope you can change electowiki for the better!

electowiki has a long history, divided into two phases which you can read more about in these two pages:

  • Project:About Electorama wiki (from 2005 until 2018 or so) -- this page describes the first phase of the Electowiki project when it was a child project of the Electorama.com project.
  • Project:About electowiki (from 2018 until now) - this page describes the second phase of the electowiki project, which we are now in. Read this page to learn about the transition to the current phase of electowiki content development, and how we now eschew capitalizing "electowiki". As of this writing, there is no third phase.