Favourability voting: Difference between revisions

+ Clearing up ("at the same time").
(+ Further explanation of reasons which can show exactly how and why we can end up with voters who feel these three different conflicting ways about a single candidate.)
m (+ Clearing up ("at the same time").)
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Favourability Voting encompasses all types of different possibilities, whereas with even the most detailed of other alternative voting systems, much of these are ignored. Let’s give an example of a single-winner election. Whereas in regular score voting, a voter who scores a candidate or party 50% could be interpreted as being three entirely different kinds of voters:
* Someone who both loves and hates everything in the platform (this can be caused by a conflict in which someone believes that all of these policies will lead to both positive and negative impacts at the same time: "side effects")
* Somebody who agrees with half of the platform but disagrees with the other half (for example, if someone is socially conservative and economically left-wing, then combining socially progressive with economically left-wing positions could turn this person into being half in support (on economic issues) and half against them (on social issues)
