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'''Improved Condorcet Approval''' or '''ICA''' or '''tCA''' is a variant of [[Condorcet//Approval]] (which is not an actual [[Condorcet method]]) devised by Kevin Venzke which preserves [[approval voting]]'s compliance with the [[Favorite Betrayal criterion|favorite betrayal criterion]]. It uses the [[tied at the top]] rule.
'''Improved Condorcet Approval''' or '''ICA''' or '''tCA''' is a variant of [[Condorcet//Approval]] devised by Kevin Venzke which preserves [[approval voting]]'s compliance with the [[Favorite Betrayal criterion|favorite betrayal criterion]]. It uses the [[tied at the top]] rule. Despite the name, it isn't actually a [[Condorcet method]].

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The definitions can only differ in practice when there are more than three candidates (unless it is allowed to approve all the candidates).
The definitions can only differ in practice when there are more than three candidates (unless it is allowed to approve all the candidates).

== Notes ==
As formulated, ICA fails [[Cloneproof|cloneproofness]] (though it is likely not too difficult to modify it to satisfy the criterion). Example:<blockquote>3 A

1 B1>B2>B3

1 B2>B3>B1

1 B3>B1>B2</blockquote>B1, B2, and B3 all have a pairwise defeat (they are in a cycle with each other), so A is elected for being an unbeaten candidate. But if B2 and B3 drop out:<blockquote>3 A

3 B1</blockquote>Now both A and B1 pairwise tie, and thus each has a 50% chance of winning.
