Phragmen's voting rules: Difference between revisions

remove false information
(Tidying up definitions of max/var-Phragmén and Ebert's Method)
(remove false information)
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In the case of a single candidate to be elected, Phragmén's method reduces to [[Approval voting]], because the candidate resulting in the minimal load on each voter is the one with most voters to share the load. When all votes are in party list order, it reduces to the [[D'Hondt method]].<ref name="Janson 2016">{{cite arXiv | last=Janson | first=Svante | title=Phragmén's and Thiele's election methods | date=2016-11-27 | eprint=1611.08826|class=math.HO}}</ref>
This method is the only sequential [[multi-member system]] proven to pass [[Justified representation | proportional justified representation]].
== Variations and implementations {{anchor|seq-Phragmén|max-Phragmén|var-Phragmén}} ==
