User talk:Catulhu

From electowiki

This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for the page named "Catulhu". Please use this page to discuss the topic described in the corresponding page in the main namespace (i.e. the "Catulhu" page here on electowiki), or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages.


[edited out]. -- unsigned comment by Catulhu - 15 August 2022 (18:21 UTC) (UTC)

Thanks for putting that on your talk page (this page; i.e. "User_talk:Catulhu"). Now it's time to put information about yourself on your user page (i.e. "User:Catulhu"). Would you be willing to do that? -- RobLa (talk) 02:42, 16 August 2022 (UTC)

oops, I think that is what I had meant to do


Welcome to electowiki, User:Catulhu! If you've been lurking long enough (which I suspect you have), you know that I have a standard welcome letter that I ask all new editors to read (the letter: User:RobLa/Welcome). One thing that I'd like to note: controversy (between editors) is fine, and that one unwritten part of the "Electowiki Point-of-View" (EPOV) is that Cunningham's law was an incredibly prescient observation. Don't worry too much about being "correct" as far as the electowiki editing community is concerned; we're often wrong, and often appreciate well-cited corrections, even if the "citation" is a link to a discussion on an online forum. Anyway, thanks for contributing to electowiki, and welcome! -- RobLa (talk) 03:16, 13 February 2022 (UTC)