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(we should be using a template for this, but I don't know how to format it)
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A type of tie is a symmetrical pairwise or ranked tie. For example:
1 A>B>C
1 B>C>A
1 C>A>B
All three candidates are in a symmetrical situation, that is, one could swap their name labels and they would still be in the exact same situation as before: ranked 1st on 1 ballot, ranked 2nd on 1 ballot, and ranked 3rd on 1 ballot. These types of ties are interesting in the context of evaluating [[Condorcet cycle|Condorcet cycles]]. They also feature when discussing an [[Equally Weighted Vote]]; some voting methods which pass the "test of balance" can fail to produce an equally weighted vote when there are symmetrical ties; this includes many voting methods which pass the [[majority criterion]] in the two-candidate case; see [[Equally Weighted Vote#Notes]] for an example.