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== Example elections ==
(Hosted version taken down on 8/19/2007 - test wiki was just too much of a spam trap)
Here's a few example elections. Unless otherwise noted, the configurations for these elections are protected (to ensure that the examples remain in a usable state), but they will all have read/write counterparts that you can play with (currently hosted on a test site that may go up and down)
* [[Electotest:Election:10 TV Shows]] - an example based on the top 10 season passes on TiVo.
** [[Electotest:Election:10 TV Shows (editable)|Editable version]]
* [[Electotest:Election:Mock U.S. Presidential Election, combined 2000 and 2004]] - mock election with the nominated candidates for U.S. President from all major and most ballot-qualified minor candiates from 2000 and 2004, in addition to the major candidates vying for the Democratic and Republican nominations in 2000 and 2004.
** [[Electotest:Election:Mock U.S. Presidential Election, combined 2000 and 2004 (editable)|Editable version]]
<!-- Hiding for now
** Different ballot types
*** barscale
*** radioarray
*** singlecheckbox
*** singleradio
*** stars
* [[Electotest:Election:2003 Debian Project Leader]] - comparison of Schulze(wv-mod) and Instant Runoff in calculating the 2003 Debian Project Leader election. (Schulze was used, but the results using Instant Runoff were interesting).
** [[Electotest:Election:2003 Debian Project Leader (editable)|Editable version]]
== Setting up an election ==