2018 Washington 10th CD Straw Poll

From electowiki
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Counted (which advocates for Score voting) held a straw poll in the 10th Congressional District of Washington on June 30, 2018, after giving candidates a chance to speak in front of the voters. 38 eligible voters participated.

Ballots included three voting systems: Plurality/FPTP, Approval, and Score (0-5), so that voter behavior on the different types of ballots could be compared.


The Independent Progressive candidate won by a large margin, and the Republican candidate came in last, under all 3 voting systems. The Democrat came in 2nd place under FPTP, but under Approval and Score, the Independent Centrist took 2nd place, beating the Democrat.


They published analyses of voter behavior:

Summary of voter behavior:

  • 11% of voters bullet voted (giving the maximum score to one candidate and minimum or blanks to the others).
  • 0% of voters anti-voted (giving the minimum score to one candidate and maximum scores to the others).
  • 0% of voters min/max voted (approval-style votes, where all candidates get either maximum or minimum scores).
  • 42% of voters did not use the full range of scores available.
  • Voters did not have the same approval thresholds when converting their score ballots to approval ballots (even with the same score ballots).