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(Initial page for Definite Majority Choice)
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The main reason to grade candidates below the "Gerald Ford" mark would be if you're not optimistic about the chances for your higher-ranked favorite and compromise candidates. Grading candidate X below the LPG mark gives you a chance to say "I don't like X and
don't want him to win, but of all the alternatives, he would make the fewest changes in the wrong direction. I won't give him a passing grade because I want him to have as small a mandate as possible." Then you have some say in the outcome, instead of leaving the choice among the alternatives to the most vocal and extreme parts of other factions.
== Handling Ties and Near Ties ==
In ordinary DMC, the winner is the candidate in Forest Simmon's '''[ P]''' set, the ''set of candidates which are not approval-consistently defeated''.
But in the event of a tie or near tie (say, margin within 0.01%), there may be no clear winner.
In that case, form the superset '''P*''', the union of all sets P that result from all possible combinations of reversed ties or near-ties. Then choose the winner using [ Random Ballot Order].