Dominant mutual third set: Difference between revisions

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(Add implication about DMTBR protecting the method from the worst DH3 outcome.)
(Rephrase DMTBR as the previous definition was wrong, and fix the immunity to DH3 argument.)
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=== Complying methods ===
[[Instant-runoff voting]] always elects a winner from the smallest dominant mutual third set, just like it does from the smallest [[mutual majority]] set. Chris Benham later determined that [[Instant-runoff voting|IRV]] and Smith,IRV also meet '''dominant mutual third burial resistance''' (DMTBR):<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Re: Why I Prefer IRV to Condorcet|website=Election-methods mailing list archives|date=2008-11-25|author=Benham, Chris}}</ref> raisingvoters awho prefer some candidate notX into the smallestcurrent dominantwinner mutualcan't thirdget setX cannotelected makeby that candidateburying the IRVcurrent winner under someone not in the smallest dominant mutual third set.
It can be proven that several other [[:Category:Condorcet-IRV hybrid methods|Condorcet-IRV hybrid methods]] pass dominant mutual third burial resistance. For example, with [[Benham's method]], since at least one member of the smallest DMT set is guaranteed to be one of the two final remaining candidates after eliminating the rest, there is no incentive for a voter who honestly prefers that DMT member over the other final remaining candidate to not vote that preference i.e. the same incentive for honest voting exists as if it was a [[runoff]]. This is one major reason cited by those who prefer Condorcet-IRV methods, as they claim that most elections feature a DMT set (i.e. perhaps because the voters are polarized into two sides, and with one side being majority-preferred to the other), and therefore these methods will be more [[Strategic voting|strategically resistant]] in practice than many others.
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Reversal symmetry and Condorcet are incompatible with [[Dominant mutual third|dominant mutual third burial resistance]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Condorcet and Reversal Symmetry are incompatible with DMTBR|website=Election-methods mailing list archives|date=2018-04-03|first=Kristofer|last=Munsterhjelm}}</ref> Requiring reversal symmetry will thus weaken a Condorcet method's resistance to strategy, all other things equal.
Dominant mutual third burial resistance grants immunity to the worst outcome of the [[Dark horse plus 3 rivals]] scenario., Sinceas thelong smallest DMT set does not containas the dark horse, burialis (raisingnot theinitially darkpart horse) can't make him win. However,of the burialinnermost mightdominant stillmutual partiallythird succeedset, -as dependingno onfaction thepreferring method,someone oneelse ofto the buryingcurrent factionswinner might still get its preferred candidatecan electedbenefit byfrom burying the competingwinner candidates, if that faction's preferred candidate is part ofunder the smallestdark DMT sethorse.
== Notes ==