EM-list archive

Revision as of 01:17, 16 February 2021 by RobLa (talk | contribs) (More restoration of the first email.)

On February 15, 2021, the election-methods mailing list is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

The first message

Subject: New "election-methods" list
From: Rob Lanphier [1]
Date: Thu Feb 15 21:34:05 PST 1996
To: [elections-reform, election-methods]

I'm starting up an "election-methods-list" list to discuss single-winner
reform, the relative merits of different PR systems, and the technical
underpinnings of all election methods. This list is intended to
compliment, not to replace, the existing "elections-reform" list.

Please continue to discuss the various electoral reform movements in the
U.S. and throughout the world in the "elections-reform" list.
"elections-reform" is still the best forum for discussing strategies used
in reform campaigns, specific legislation addressing reform, and
educational material about reform.

What is the difference, you ask? "election-methods-list" discussions will
most likely be more technical in nature, with the ultimate goal of
providing recommendations and educational material to the members of
"elections-reform". There have been complaints in the past that
discussions on "elections-reform" have been too technical, and
"election-methods-list" has been created to offload the more prolific
technical discussions to "elections-reform". It lets folks use
"elections-reform" to stay abreast of current activity in electoral
reform without fear of their inbox exploding.

To subscribe to "election-methods-list", send mail to majordomo at eskimo.com
with no subject line (any subject will be ignored), and the following one
line in the body of your message:

subscribe election-methods-list

My apologies to anybody who stumbled on the web page that I set up a week
ago at http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/cpr/election-methods.html[2] and tried
to subscribe (and failed, because the list didn't exist yet). In the time I
was waiting for the list to get set up, I set up the web page.
Everything should *now* work according to the instructions on that page.

That's all there is to it. Let me know if you have any questions about
the new list.

Rob Lanphier
[<insert Rob's old email address here>][1]
http://www.eskimo.com/~robla [<< Rob's old website]


  1. a b robla@eskimo.com was Rob's personal email address at the time. See the archived version of "" http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/#misc to see my PGP key at the time.
  2. User:RobLa's old "politics" page can now be found at Internet Archive at this address: http://www.eskimo.com/~robla/politics/index.html