Election-methods mailing list

Revision as of 23:31, 20 September 2020 by RobLa (talk | contribs) (Category:Forums should be Category:Forum, since category names should be singular)

The election-methods mailing list (or the EM-list) is a mailing list that was started in 1996 and continues to host discussions with electoral system experts and activists.


The list is for discussion of the nitty-gritty details of single-winner election reform, the relative merits of different proportional representation systems, and the technical underpinnings of all election methods. "election-methods-list" discussions tend to be technical in nature (or at least, very laden with jargon), with the ultimate goal of providing recommendations and educational material to the electoral reform movement.


Wikipedia has an article on:

The list was started in 1996 by Rob Lanphier (User:RobLa on this wiki). During its first few years, it was on eskimo.com, and was originally a "Majordomo" list back in 1996.

Wikipedia has an article on:

In 2003, the list moved to the newly-formed Electorama.com website on Dreamhost, and transitioned to becoming a GNU Mailman-based mailing list. (announcement email)

The list has been continuously active for 24 years and can be found at:


Now that the C4ES Election-Theory Forum is shutting down[1], this might cause a spike in activity on the EM-list. TBD
