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In other words, votes that are exhausted in the second and subsequent rounds of tabulation are purely a consequence of using ranked-choice voting method tabulation algorithm.
In cases where a voter has ranked only candidates that did not make it to the final round of counting, the voter's ballot is said to have been exhausted.
ballotBallot exhaustion occurs when all the candidates a voter ranked have lost even though two or more other candidates remain in the race.
Ballot exhaustion occurs when a ballot is no longer *countable* in a tally as all of the candidates marked on the ballot are no longer in the contest.
This can occur as part of ranked-choice voting when a voter has ranked only candidates that have been eliminated even though other candidates remain in the contest, as voters are not required to rank all candidates in an election.
In cases where a voter has ranked only candidates that did not make it to the final round of counting, the voter's ballot is said to have been exhausted.
ballot exhaustion occurs when all the candidates a voter ranked have lost even though two or more other candidates remain in the race.
This might happen because a voter chose not to rank all or many candidates or because a voter ranked as many candidates as allowed on the ballot paper.
Since such a vote contains no rankings of a candidate still in the race, it is allowed to exhaust and is no longer included in the tally for winner.