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Another option that gets mentioned for single-winner is IRV (also annoyingly called RCV). This is promoted by the largest US voting reform nonprofit, FairVote. Unfortunately, while they do good work on #PropRep, FairVote seems blind to the flaws in IRV. While I'd vote for IRV if the only other option was FPTP, and while I definitely believe that [ voters who've chosen IRV should get to see it implemented], I don't think FairVote has the best path forward on this issue.
Another option that gets mentioned for single-winner is IRV (also annoyingly called RCV). This is promoted by the largest US voting reform nonprofit, FairVote. Unfortunately, while they do good work on #PropRep, FairVote seems blind to the flaws in IRV. While I'd vote for IRV if the only other option was FPTP, and while I definitely believe that [ voters who've chosen IRV should get to see it implemented], I don't think FairVote has the best path forward on this issue.

==== Electoral college and national popular vote ====
=== Campaign finance ===

In the US, an important special case of single-winner reform is the presidential system, where constitutional issues involving the electoral college (EC) complicate matters. As far as I can tell, the [ National Popular Vote Interstate Compact] (NPVIC) idea is the best way to solve those issues. [ Larry Lessig's court challenge to statewide EC winner-take-all] also deserves mention, though personally I suspect it's unlikely to win.
=== Ballot access and other electoral system reforms ===

In any case, solving the EC without fixing the single-winner voting system seems as if it would be a missed opportunity. As I read it, the NPVIC would be compatible with approval voting, and could with a little work be made compatible with 3-2-1 voting. But I think that more people should be working on, or even just talking about, combining these ideas.

=== Campaign finance, ballot access and other electoral system reforms ===


== Political strategy ==
== Political strategy ==