Proportionate representation

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Proportionate representation is defined such that the number of citizens in an area must be proportionate to the number of representatives for the same area. It is sometimes called Local Representation. Single member systems have the maximum possible Proportionate Representation if the population is divided evenly by population.

Original Term Use

In Canada, Proportionate Representation is defined and ensured in each of the constitutions. Specifically, it is ensured that the Provinces have Proportionate Representation in Section 52 and 42 of the constitution act of 1867 and 1982, respectively. These constitutions are the first known use of this term in this context. In Canada, this means that a regional system is required at least on the Provincial level in Canada so that the number of seats for each province is proportionate to the number of citizens in each province. Proportionate Representation is defined such that Balanced Representation is directly implied. Recall Balanced Representation is that each member represents a similar number of citizens. It is not guaranteed by Partisan Systems or Proportional Representation.