Score voting: Difference between revisions

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Suppose that voters were told to grant 1 to 4 points to each city, such thatgiving their most likedfavorite choice(s)4 gotpoints, 4second favorite 3 points, andthird leastfavorite liked2 choice(s)points, gotand least favorite 1 point. For simplicity, let’s say we had 42 voters from Memphis, 26 from Nashville, 15 from Chattanooga, and 17 from Knoxville. The votes would be as follows.
<TABLE BORDER=1 style="empty-cells: show">
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<TD>168 (42 * 4) = 168</TD>
<TD>26 * 1 = 26</TD>
<TD>15 * 1 = 26</TD>
<TD>17 * 1 = 26</TD>
<TD>126 (42 * 3) = 126</TD>
<TD>104 (26 * 4) = 104</TD>
<TD>30 (15 * 2) = 30</TD>
<TD>34 (17 * 2) = 34</TD>
<TD>84 (42 * 2) = 84</TD>
<TD>78 (26 * 3) = 78</TD>
<TD>60 (15 * 4) = 60</TD>
<TD>51 (17 * 3) = 51</TD>
<TD>42 * 1 = 42</TD>
<TD>52 (26 * 2) = 52</TD>
<TD>45 (15 * 3) = 45</TD>
<TD>68 (17 * 4) = 68</TD>