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SODA voting (Simple Optionally-Delegated Approval): Difference between revisions

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==== Prevent sliver candidates from having kingmaker power ====
Optional rule 4.5 (between 4 and 5): If any candidate has less than 5% (of the total votes) as delegable votes, and is not one of the top two in total votes, then those votes are automatically delegated to the firstthe candidateCondorcet onwinner their(considering approvalknown listballots whoand haspreference moreorders) than 5% delegable votes or more than 20% total votes. They will be further delegated toamong the largestcandidates sequence fromon their original candidate's preference orderlist, which is containedor, in theircase receivingof candidate'selections delegations.with Soa if they originally wentcycle, to Athe whosecond preferredmember alphabetically,of thenthe andSmith they'reset passed(correct toCPNE Dstrategy whofor delegatesa toSmith BCEGH,set they'llof end3; uplarger approvingSmith ABCDE.sets, Thiswith ruleover preventstwo givingmembers excessiveincluded kingmakerin powerthe tominor acandidate's tinypreference faction.list, Noteare that all delegation is still nonhit-exclusive,by-lightning approval-styleunlikely).
This rule would help make this system more attractive to major-party politicians. But it's a principled rule, not just a sop to the major parties. Consider the "kingmaker" case: in a basically 50/50 split, some tiny party has the balance of votes, and manages to extract concessions far bigger than their base of support justifies, just in order to [not] delegate those votes. That's unjust, and this rule would prevent it. So this rule is recommended whenever people will tolerate the complexity.
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