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3-2-1 voting: Difference between revisions

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In this method, each candidate can pre-rate other candidates "OK", "conditionally OK", or "bad". If they do not explicitly pre-rate, they are considered to rate all others "conditionally OK". Once all ratings have been submitted, all "conditionally OK" ratings are turned to "Bad" if the rating coming the other way is "Bad", and to "OK" otherwise. Candidate ratings are public information.
When a voter leaves a candidate X blank/unrated, Xthat receivescounts the lowestas rating thatX theyas got"OK" fromif anystrictly candidatemore thatthan voterhalf rated "Good". So ifof the voter's had ratedfavorite candidates A and B "good", and both A and B rated X as "OK",. thenOtherwise Xit would get an "OK" from that voter; while if either A and/or B had rated Xcounts as "Bad", thenrating X would get a "BadOK". from that voter.
For example, if I rated both Aurelio and Amy "good" and left Beth and Chung blank; and Aurelio rated Beth and Chung as "OK", while Amy rated Beth "OK" and Chung "Bad", then I'd count as rating Beth "OK" (2/2 of my favorites rated her "OK") and Chung "Bad" (1/2 "OK"s, which is not ''more'' than half).
=== Undelegated 3-2-1 ===
Anonymous user
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