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Note that while there is plenty of consensus, the ranked preferences "slices" the population in various ways (here, we assume a voter sides with whatever candidate is ideologically closer). Thus, rankings are inherently factionalist, and any "majority" created (shaded background) represents a distorted and artificial picture of the true opinions of the population under such a scenario.
Additionally, each of the two artificial factions will perceive its own "factional consensus" (moving crosses), which will be far away from the other. This happens even though both groups actually have a greater underlying consensus, which remains unchanged (black static cross, center). You can think of these crosses as "the ideological picture" the ranked preferences are painting to us. As you can see, it is a very distorted picture.
Thus, under ordinalism or ranked preferences, "majoritarymajority" is a property of the '''candidates''' more than that of the voters, as it is the candidates who are "drawing the line", not the voters. The voters are being forced to take sides which they do not create naturally.
Notice how fringe candidates (when the dots move towards the edge) can easily radicalize their minority faction, creating a highly distorted faction consensus near the fringe. In real life, complete allegiance to a faction, and support for political candidates, usually creates an echo chamber effect. These people will be more likely to side and engage with other "like-minded people", according to this faction that was established. But as we can see from the above diagram, even if the population as a whole shares a lot of consensus and agreement, a fringe candidate can generate the illusion of a faction having its own fringe consensus. Furthermore, if this occurs, it will be worse when a consensus candidate actually exits, as that pushes the dividing line further towards the fringe.