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Help:User page

From electowiki
parent: Help:Contents
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A user page is a page about a wiki user with an account on the wiki, and who is (most probably) a contributor. If you have registered, your user account has been created but you still have neither user page nor talk page. Then you can create your own user page. Your user page is linked in the top right. More importantly, others will see links to your user page from various places which assist wiki collaboration. This includes the "Recent changes" and "page history" displays (See Help:Tracking changes). You can also link to your user page within text of a wiki page, which is mainly useful on talk pages when you sign your name.

If you have not registered, you are identified by your own IP address. No user page nor talk page exist. The talk page of this IP user creates automatically when the first article is added to it. You can then create the user page of the IP address.

Miraheze accounts

Since 2018, this wiki ("electowiki") has been hosted by Miraheze. Since there a hundreds (er....thousands?) of active wikis here on Miraheze's infrastruture (where electowiki is hosted), one can also create a global user page for all Miraheze wikis. See "metawiki:Global user page" to learn more about that.

BLP policy

Sometimes, it will be necessary/desirable to both have an article about a person, and for that person to have a user page on this wiki. With respect to main namespace articles, English Wikipedia's "BLP" policy applies here on electowiki, unless otherwise noted. "BLP" stands for "biographies of living persons". Since a substantial percentage of people editing electowiki articles have articles about them in the main namespace (e.g. Rob Lanphier in the main namespace and User:RobLa in userspace), keep in mind that the electowiki conflict of interest policy applies when editing an article about oneself. Please try to have a neutral point of view about yourself when editing, and don't edit an article about yourself anonymously (i.e. make the connection between the real yourself and your user account clear). As for your user page, you have a lot more latitude to promote yourself on your user page. Be generous with yourself on your user page! Link to your personal website! But do not create multiple accounts unless/until you have read and completely understand the Miraheze "Alternate accounts" page and other Miraheze policies regarding user accounts.

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