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Information for "Kotze-Pereira transformation"

Basic information

Display titleKotze-Pereira transformation
Default sort keyKotze-Pereira transformation
Page length (in bytes)10,192
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Page ID1490
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Edit history

Page creatorDr. Edmonds (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation17:50, 20 December 2019
Latest editorCasimir (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit21:27, 23 February 2022
Total number of edits20
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The Kotze-Pereira transformation (KP transform) converts scored ballots into Approval ballots, which allows any Approval PR method to be run on scored ballots. Because the score winner will always have the most approvals after the transformation, a PR method that elects the approval winner in the single-winner case will also elect the score winner in the single-winner case when converted to a score method using the transformation. Score methods using this transformation are also generally satisfy Scale invariance (multiplying all score by a constant leaves the result unaffected), except when the change in score causes differences in surplus handling due to quotas being met or not met. The transformation was independently invented by Kotze in 2011[1] and Toby Pereira in 2015.[2] It was named by Forest Simmons in 2015.[3]
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