########################################################################### # Header adapted from # ########################################################################### # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LIST UNLESS YOU HAVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF REGEX! # ########################################################################### # # This is a list of domain names which are considered spam. # # Syntax: # - Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment # - Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs amohseni\.info bloprofeldi\.info mac\.com\/tykarl tylka\.extra\.hu gay-sex\.usaspace\.biz rolexcupi\.com oiyaoi\.ifrance\.com z\.la\/ \.yi\.org free3xmovies\.com farm4u\.cn angelfire\.com superstarfire\.info herowood\.info loan-payday pfyeahom\.com ofsanbac\.com tiutoigs\.com nbvxmkwj\.com sismnfuy\.com bxajsvhq\.com xgaesejc\.com # fin #