Minet Ranked-Choice Voting

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Minet Ranked-Choice Voting (MRCV) is a variation of Baldwin's method proposed by Roy A. Minet, who claims it to be the "best possible ordinal voting method".[1]


Like Baldwin's method, MRCV uses a ranked ballot (with incomplete ballots allowed), and proceeds in a series of rounds, eliminating the candidate with the least number of points in each round until one gets a majority of first-preference votes.[2][3]:217

However, in MRCV, voters are limited to only expressing their top three rankings, they cannot express indifference (equal rankings are not allowed), and the points are assigned to rankings non-linearly, with each ranking assumed to have half the cardinal utility of the previous:

Preference Baldwin/Borda MRCV
1 2 4
2 1 2
3 0 1


  1. Minet, Roy A. (2018). "A Comprehensive, Conclusive Analysis Of Ordinal Voting Methods" (PDF). RoyMinet.Org.
  2. Baldwin, J. M. (1926). "The technique of the Nanson preferential majority system of election". Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 39: 42–52.
  3. Nanson, E. J. (1882). "Methods of election". Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. 19: 197–240.