Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Dir/doc
-- This module implements [[Template:Dir]].
-- local rtlOverrides = mw.loadData('Module:Dir/RTL overrides') -- !!! mw.loadData() is currently broken, it does NOT load anything
local rtlOverrides = require('Module:Dir/RTL overrides')
local p = {}
local function trim(s)
if s and s ~= '' then s = tostring(s):match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') end
if s == '' then return nil end
return s
function p.rtlLangs(isRTL)
if isRTL == nil then isRTL = true end
return rtlOverrides[isRTL] or {}
function p.isRTL(code)
if type(code) ~= 'string' then return nil end
local v = rtlOverrides[code] -- very fast and not limited in the number of supported languages
if v ~= nil then return v end -- return it if mapped, otherwise use MediaWiki library:
local success, ret = pcall(function ()
return -- expensive and limited to 20 languages per MediaWiki instance
return success and ret
function, rtl, ltr)
if p.isRTL(code) then
return rtl
return ltr
-- Used via a template {{Dir|language-code|wikitext if rtl|wikitext if ltr}}
-- which just calls {{#invoke:Dir|main}}, the 3 parameters are automatically trimmed
function p.main(frame)
local args = frame:getParent().args -- Parameters used to transclude Template:Dir
local code = trim(args[1])
local rtl = trim(args[2]) or 'rtl'
local ltr = trim(args[3]) or 'ltr'
return, rtl, ltr)
setmetatable(p, { quickTests = function ()
local rtlLangs = p.rtlLangs(true)
local ltrLangs = p.rtlLangs(false)
-- utility: reverse order iterator on sequences
local function revipairs(t)
return function(t, i)
i = i - 1
local v = t[i]
if v == nil then return nil end
return i, v
end, t, #t + 1
-- Basic check of data format
local function checkLangs(name, langs)
for k, lang in pairs(langs) do
assert(type(k) == 'number' and k == math.floor(k)
and type(lang) == 'string' and #lang >= 2 and #lang <= 16
and lang:find('^[a-z][%-0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]$') == 1,
": Invalid sequence of language codes, " .. name .. "['" .. k .. "'] = '" .. lang .. "'")
return true
local ok, msg
ok, msg = pcall(checkLangs, 'rtlLangs', rtlLangs)
if not ok then return false, msg end
ok, msg = pcall(checkLangs, 'ltrLangs', ltrLangs)
if not ok then return false, msg end
-- Build inverse maps of languages having each direction
local isrtl, isltr = {}, {}
for _, lang in ipairs(rtlLangs) do isrtl[lang] = true end
for _, lang in ipairs(ltrLangs) do isltr[lang] = true end
-- Check conflicts using the two inverse maps
for _, lang in ipairs(rtlLangs) do
if isltr[lang] then return false, ": Direction conflict for '" .. lang .. "'" end
for _, lang in ipairs(ltrLangs) do
if isrtl[lang] then return false, ": Direction conflict for '" .. lang .. "'" end
-- Log missing languages (allows filling the tables above) according to MediaWiki internal data
local knownLangs = mw.language.fetchLanguageNames()
for lang, _ in pairs(knownLangs) do
if rtlOverrides[lang] == nil then -- only if we still don't have data for this language
-- Note: we cannot check more than 20 languages at once, then MediaWiki raises an error.
-- So this test only runs on the Lua console, where you can update the tables at top.
ok, value = pcall(function() return tostring( end)
mw.log("Missing direction for language '" .. lang .. "', MediaWiki returns '" .. value .. "'")
-- Sort and deduplicate language code values (by scanning backward) for data cleanup
for i, lang in revipairs(rtlLangs) do
if rtlLangs[i - 1] == rtlLangs[i] then table.remove(rtlLangs, i) end
for i, lang in revipairs(ltrLangs) do
if ltrLangs[i - 1] == ltrLangs[i] then table.remove(ltrLangs, i) end
-- Final presentation of current lists, sorted and deduplicated
mw.log("local rtlLangs = { '" .. table.concat(rtlLangs, "', '") .. "' }")
mw.log("local ltrLangs = { '" .. table.concat(ltrLangs, "', '") .. "' }")
return true
end })
--[==[ Enter this to run tests in the Lua console:
return p