PLACE FAQ: Difference between revisions

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(→‎What hashtag should I use for proportional representation?: #ProRep, not #PropRep (seems to have won the battle))
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=== Who are you and why should I listen to you? ===
I'm Dr. Jameson Quinn, currently a doctoralstatistician candidatewho in statisticsworks at HarvardMIT. I've been involved in voting theory and voting reform activism since before the 2000 US presidential election. I'm on the board of the CenterEqual forVote Election Science, akaCoalition [http electologywww.equal.orgvote]. I helped the members of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) redesign the nomination process for the Hugo Awards, using a specially-designed proportional voting method called E Pluribus Hugo to prevent a minority of voters from taking over the nominations. (That was a 2-year effort; the peer-reviewed paper I wrote about it with Bruce Schneier is [ here].)
But you should listen to me not because of any credentials I have, but because you can tell that I've considered this from many angles, that I'm being reasonable, and that this is a serious proposal. Or if you think I'm wrong somehow, write to me at firstname dot lastname at gmail.