Participation criterion

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This is the criteria that there is no strategic advantage to not vote. Typically a voter does not know they are in this situation and if they do they can potentially avoid the problem with Tactical voting

Statement of Criterion

Adding one or more ballots that vote X over Y should never change the winner from X to Y.


Weak Participation criterion

By voting, you cannot cause X to be elected instead of Y (with all other winners staying the same) if you scored Y higher than X. One consequence of this criteria, is that by voting, you can never get a result that is less desirable according to your ballot then a result that is more desirable according to your ballot. The difference between this criterion and the strong Strong Participation criterion is that because unless there was an infinite range for you to score candidates on (you are scoring candidates on infinite sliding bars), due to the approximations you make when expressing your utilities on a finite number of scores, your ballot can disagree with you about whether outcome X is better than outcome Y.

(Described here: "Optimal proportional representation" multiwinner voting systems I: methods, algorithms, advantages, and inherent flaws)

Semi-honest participation criterion

This is a weaker form of the participation criterion. It states that for any set of ballots, an extra voter with a given preference set must be able to cast a ballot which is semi-honest and meaningfully expressive, without making the result worse. Meaningfully expressive means that if the voter prefers some set of candidates to the winner, the non-harmful ballot must be able to express that preference.

Complying Methods

This Criteria is important in the context of the Balinski–Young theorem. Failing the participation criterion is an an example of failing Population monotonicity.

Plurality voting, Approval voting, Cardinal Ratings, Borda count, and Woodall's DAC and DSC methods all pass the Participation Criterion. Condorcet methods, Majority Choice Approval, and IRV fail.

All Monroe type Multi-member systems fail participation.

Some parts of this article are derived with permission from text at


The Participation criterion offers one way of justifying Score voting being no worse than FPTP: voters can never be hurt by casting an FPTP-style vote (bullet voting) relative to not voting. Many other voting methods, such as IRV and STAR (and possibly Condorcet fail even this weaker version of Participation. Example for IRV:

30+2 A>B 31 B 49 C

If 2 of the 32 A>B voters show up and bullet vote A, then B is eliminated and then C wins. But if they don't vote, then A is eliminated and then B wins.

Note that the Participation criterion doesn't say a voter should be able to benefit in some circumstances by voting, nor does it quantify such a thing. For example, a voting method which randomly chooses one of the candidates regardless of the votes would pass Participation, despite not giving voters any power. Voting methods like Score and FPTP can have this quantified because they are based on similar systems of increasing a candidate's "quality number", with each voter only being able to increase the number for a given candidate to a certain maximal amount.

See also

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