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Electoral system: Difference between revisions

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*[[Summability criterion]] (SC)
Voting systems can be abstracted as mathematical functions that select between choices based on the [[utility]] of each option for each voter. This greatly resembles a [[social welfare function]] as studied in welfare economics and many of the same considerations can be studied. For aspects such as simplicity, dispute, and fraud, the practical implementation is far more important than the abstract function. However, the choice of abstract function puts some constraints on the implementation. For instance, certain voting systems such as First Past the Post, [[Schulze method|Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential DroppingSchulze]] (CSSD), or Borda Count can be tallied in one distributed step, others such as IRV require centralization, and others such as multi-round runoff require multiple polling rounds.
== List of systems ==
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**[[Condorcet method]], actually several families of systems that satisfy Condorcet's criterion:
***[[Ranked Pairs]] (RP) and variants such as [[Maximize Affirmed Majorities]] and [[Maximum Majority Voting]]
***[[Schulze method|Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential DroppingSchulze]] (CSSD), which is also known as "Beatpath Method" or "SchulzeCloneproof Schwartz MethodSequential Dropping"
***[[Copeland's method]]
***Other names for Condorcet-compliant methods:
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* [http://fc.antioch.edu/~jarmyta@antioch-college.edu/voting.htm James Green-Armytage's voting methods page] Includes a beginner-friendly introduction and a helpful in-depth tutorial
* [http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~ncj/comp303/schulze.pdf A New Monotonic and Clone-Independent Single-Winner Election Method] ('''[[Portable Document Format|PDF]]''') by Markus Schulze ([http://www.citizensassembly.bc.ca/resources/submissions/csharman-10_0409201706-143.pdf mirror1], [http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/demexp-dev/2003-09/pdflQW7IlpAfC.pdf mirror2])
* [http://www.masquilier.org/republic/election/ A different way to vote] by AugustinMa. Of interest is the [http://www.masquilier.org/libre/phpbb/ modified] version of the popular phpBB bulletin board that can be found [http://www.masquilier.org/agora/ here]. The board allows the users to create plurality, approval and condorcet ([[Schulze method|Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential DroppingSchulze]]) polls and [http://www.masquilier.org/agora/viewforum.php?f=7 cast their ballots].
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