Talk:Condorcet paradox: Difference between revisions

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If the 11 supporters of A really had a second choice and it was B or C using IRV… same result.
However, IRV would elect A if 3 supporters moved over to C (voter betrayal to succeed).
I recommend that it deserves nothing more than be a 3 way tie. Obviously, facing defeat, A has every reason to try, but supporters of A may not. TheBut questionmaybe tothey themwill isplay. “WhyRather castthan ando insincerethat vote,calculated if3 allvote youmove getto ismake a 3tie, wayvoters tie?should Ifbe thereable wasto nothingsimply wrongvote withfor electinga B.3 way tie without betraying anyone Letthey itvoted gofor.
But if they do want to play. Rather than do that calculated 3 vote move to make a tie, voters should be able to simply vote for a 3 way tie without betraying anyone they voted for.
11 A>C
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5 C>B
You still need at least three to cast A>C to get the tie. Voters have to wonder why you are so desperate as to ask.
But, why do this? Why add an insincere preference, if all you get is a tie? Don’t ask your supporters to do that.
Why change your vote to get into a tie when you are ahead? All A needs to win is one more vote. Get 1 vote from B>A to become A>B, or 1 vote from C>B to become C>A>B. All you need is to prove yourself better than the rest. That’s what voters want to see in an election.
