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User talk:RalphInOttawa

From electowiki

This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for the user named "User:RalphInOttawa". Please use this page to have conversations with the editor who makes the changes found at Special:Contributions/RalphInOttawa, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages more generally.


Welcome to electowiki, User:RalphInOttawa! I'll be fixing up Talk:Condorcet-IRV hybrid methods to make it a bit more suited for discussion, but please read a little bit about "Talk" pages if you plan to contribute here in the future (see Help:Talk pages for a little info). I hope you do contribute here and there to this wiki, and would also appreciate it if you put a little blurb about yourself on your user page ("User:RalphInOttawa"), even if that blurb states "My real-life name is not 'Ralph', but I thought it would be funny to put 'Ralph' in my username", or "I prefer editing private spreadsheets to editing public wikis.". You can read more about what I tell all new users at "User:RobLa/Welcome", and I hope you read that page too. Thanks in advance! -- RobLa (talk) 20:30, 25 October 2023 (UTC)

User-specific pages

You can create a page specific to your user by prefixing the page name with User:RalphInOttawa. This lets you create pages that aren't part of the main wiki, but still exists on the site. For instance, here's one of mine: User:Kristomun/Proposed voting methods. So if you'd want to put Standard Vote on its own page, you could do something like User:RalphInOttawa/Standard Vote. Kristomun (talk) 14:11, 18 December 2023 (UTC)

Putting Standard Vote on the menu

I have changed my user contribution page about Standard Vote. I would hope that it could be used in your voting system menu, as an improvement to IRV. My web page and spreadsheets refer to this system as Standard Vote or Anderson's IRV. Can it be Anderson's Method?

My question is: is it good enough for you to put it out there, as is?

I think my "complicated" 12 step process is an algorithm. The example clearly shows that it is not the same old IRV. It is different in it's approach to fairness compared to IRV, First Past the Post, STAR voting and Approval.

I'm sure I can't do better. It is what it is. I'm now happy to receive serious feedback from your community of experts. I want to believe it is a meaningful contribution to the electowiki universe.

Thanks. RalphInOttawa (talk) 08:27, 4 January 2025 (UTC)

Hi RalphInOttawa, there's at least one very important thing missing in User:RalphInOttawa/Standard Vote: a link to a public discussion in a well-respected forum. From a style perspective, this needs work (see Electowiki:Policy and w:WP:MOS) I don't like the idea of christening this method "Standard Vote", so perhaps also pick a name and rename the page in your user space first. I'm assuming you're Ralph Anderson, and why you want to call the method "Anderson's IRV". The new name is fine, but have a discussion about the name somewhere other than electowiki. Thanks in advance! -- RobLa (talk) 22:44, 7 January 2025 (UTC)
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