
From electowiki
Revision as of 23:52, 27 February 2020 by Psephomancy (talk | contribs)

This is not the same thing as Smith//IRV. The "comma and slash" terminology is:

X//Y: Eliminate everybody outside the X set. Run Y on whatever remains. The winner according to Y is the over-all winner.

X,Y: Use Y (evaluated on all candidates) as a tie-breaker for X.

E.g. suppose The X set is {A, B, C}, and the outcome according to the election using method Y is D>B>C>A, and if D is eliminated from every ballot, Y gives the ordering C>B>A. Then X//Y is C>B>A (C wins), and X,Y is B>C>A>D.

The explanation should probably go on some other page, and then we should find an election where Smith,IRV and Smith//IRV differ. Kristomun (talk) 22:52, 27 February 2020 (UTC)

Ok. What does single slash Smith/IRV mean?
Smith//IRV is based on which is "Smith,IRV", so I thought they were the same thing.
And where did this slash notation come from? Is there some less ambiguous terminology that we could use? — Psephomancy (talk) 23:52, 27 February 2020 (UTC)