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It is instructive to consider the interplay of the people in society over time. It can be somewhat simplified to think of the three extremes in terms of power groups; Liberal, Conservative and Leftist. Starting in the 1700s there were several emerging schools of thought which pushed for change against the Conservatives. The Liberal Tradition started with [[W: John Locke | John Locke]] though liberty minded individuals clearly existed before this. The Leftist tradition started with [[W: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Georg Hegel]] and was particularly embraced by the [[W: Young Hegelians | Young Hegelians]]. Both traditions evolved, split and influenced each other all the time while the conservatives held back against this.
Typically the culture war is just between the two with the most power and the third is subordinate. In most electoral systems, [[Duverger's law]] helps to enforce this. In the west for most of the history the subordinate power was the Leftists<ref></ref> and the cultural battle was between the Liberals and the Conservatives. The Liberals eventually won nearly all battles until the conservatives had ceded so much ground that the difference between a conservative and classical liberal was virtually nothing. The last major battle between liberals and conservatives was that of the atheism movement in the 90s. This whole time it was the Liberals and the Leftist against the Conservatives. However, due to the close relationship Liberalism was influenced by Leftism giving rise to Social Liberalism. Hard Leftism was largely kept at bay in the west with the cold war and McCarthyism but the ideological subversion of liberalism was happening under the surface. In the 2000s with the conservatives thoroughly beaten, the Leftists started to try to gain influence. With Liberalism as the dominant school of thought in the west and the conservatives now working to support that status quo, the schism was now between liberalism and authoritarianism. There was conservative push for change which lead to Neo Liberalism and a large rise in the power of the state. However by 2015 the Leftist ideology was the clear contender to liberalism and the conservatives were subordinate.
This narrative implies that the term "conservative" means something quite different the modern context. Conservatives are people who are cations of change temperamentally so at all times they will resist the change. Given that the dominant culture in the West is currently Liberalism, a conservative could be somebody who wants to keep liberalism. While a progressive would be somebody who would want rapid change away from the status quo. All this implies that the terms of Tradition and conservative used for one of the Teloses may be better served by the term Heirarchist used in grid group cultural theory.