This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for the user named "User:RodCrosby". Please use this page to have conversations with the editor who makes the changes found at Special:Contributions/RodCrosby, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages more generally.


Welcome to electowiki, User:RodCrosby! Thanks for contributing the "QPR2" page. I've admittedly not looked very closely at Dr. Wiseman's proposals over the years, but perhaps it's time for me to do so. I'm not familar with where/how his method has ever been called "QPR2"; is that your name for it? Regardless, I hope you continue to contribute to electowiki, and spread your wings a bit and integrate this article into electowiki a bit more. Active admins on electowiki greatly prefer it for new editors (such as yourself) correct one of the existing articles on electowiki rather than starting out by publishing a long article, but we'll survive. Also (assuming you continue editing electowiki), please read my standard welcome letter that I ask all new editors to read (the letter: User:RobLa/Welcome). I have no idea who "RodCrosby" is, and I tend to get progressively more-and-more annoyed with people I don't know who create more administrative work for admins of electowiki, especially if we have no idea if they are a real person, or a ChatGPT bot. Thanks! -- RobLa (talk) 22:00, 14 January 2023 (UTC)

Thanks for the welcome. QPR2 is a name I've coined to distinguish it from Julian Wiseman's original idea, which, in my view, by virtue of many seats having "winners" who were not first ranked, would be impractical and politically unsellable. (There is also the obliteration of the regional parties in Wiseman's insistence that the squaring be performed at the UK level, rather than individually for each constituent nation of the UK.). RodCrosby is an internet handle I use on Wikipedia and various sites. RodCrosby (talk) 21:47, 17 January 2023 (UTC)


Hi @RodCrosby:, could you add a brief personal intro to "User:RodCrosby", which is currently a blank page (and thus, always shows up as a red link)? The more detail, the better, but at the same time, if you want to remain largely anonymous, that's okay too. Just say that on "User:RodCrosby". I describe this more in my welcome letter to you and other newer editors (see "User:RobLa/Welcome"), as well as other things you should be mindful of as you continue to edit electowiki. Thanks in advance! -- RobLa (talk) 21:29, 17 May 2023 (UTC)