Silvio Gesell
This is the discussion page (the "Talk:" page) for User:Silvio Gesell. Please use this page to leave notices for User:Silvio Gesell, or visit Help:Talk to learn more about talk pages.
- written 07:38, 25 October 2020 (UTC)
Hello, User:Silvio Gesell, and welcome! You seem to be a new editor to electowiki, which is great. Please read User:RobLa/Welcome, which is my form letter to many new editors on this wiki. I see from your use of formula markup on the page you put at Tom's method that you understand advanced wiki markup, which is helpful here. I moved your new page over to User:Silvio Gesell/Tom's method because it seems pretty clear that this isn't a method that has notability or much Internet discussion yet. Please let me know if I'm wrong about this. In the meantime, I hope you stick around, and correct a few mistakes on other articles before creating new ones. Thanks! -- RobLa (talk) 07:38, 25 October 2020 (UTC)