Distributed Multi-Voting: Difference between revisions

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Meets Honesty criterion under the same assumptions as the [[Distributed Voting#Tactical vote resistance|Distributed Voting]].
This system also tries to satisfy the [[Honesty criterion|Perfect Honesty criterion]], by applying a conversion of the vote which serves to drastically reduce the deviation from the honest voteone.
Candidates: [A B C D E]
Honest vote: [50 30 15 5 0]
Tactical vote: [90 6 3 1 0]
Honest converted vote: [1118 820 486 176 0] Points sum = 2600
Tactical covertcoverted vote: [1434 622 390 153 0] Points sum = 2600
Absolute difference: [316 198 96 23 0] Points sum = 633
633 out of 2600 is around 25%.